Anchorage, Alaska, USA

Month: June 2018

Go Small, Go Far

truck camping in rural Alaska

Parks Highway Part 1: Preparing for Rural Alaska

This post focuses on preparation before heading out to rural Alaska. Many of the best places that we love to visit are rural. Even if you only stay in the main towns in Alaska, it may be a bit of a shock when you show up and discover the products you need to purchase can…
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clear day at Whittier, Alaska

Destination: Whittier & Portage Glacier

It is not exactly Whittier that lures travelers down the highway, but rather the road to Whittier itself. Just south of Portage Glacier is the entrance to the tunnel. The road to Whittier is shared by the Alaska Railroad. I should rephrase that… Alaska Railroad is kind enough to share their railway with vehicles. For…
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Mountains at Valdez, Alaska

Destination: Valdez

No road trip along the Glenn Highway would be complete without a stop in Valdez. Valdez has everything a camper could want. It is a nice break for travelers to catch up on groceries and have a few urban amenities after spending time on side trips in out of the way places. Valdez is famous…
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Chitina Alaska, Chitina river

Destination: Chitina

Why Chitina? The small community of Chitina is one of my most favorite places to visit on the Alaska Road System. We like the roads less traveled. Once you leave the larger towns in Alaska, you will notice several things. Time slows down. You can get a sense of Alaska’s wide-open spaces. The people seem…
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McCarthy Alaska

The Road to Chitina Part 2: McCarthy

Chitina The drive down to Chitina was short, so we lingered awhile this morning enjoying the amazing view of the mountains. We finally left our comfy little pullout around mid-morning with our travel mugs topped up with hot coffee. We were surrounded by blue sky and white tipped mountains. So, without much thought, we slipped…
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